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With a love for geometric design and a strong focus on knit fabrics, we create pdf sewing patterns with a clean & modern aesthetic, great for playing with different patterns, texture and color. All our patterns come with exceptionally clear, illustrated step-by-step instructions, to build up confidence while you sew!



Aianara on the Dia sweater: 
【头条】传一加手机释放ODM订单:包括4G和5G项目;:23 小时前 · 1.传一加手机释放ODM订单:包括4G和5G项目;2.冯宇飞透露,iQOO和vivo使用一个品控体系,售后也是打通的;3.华为nova7系列参数曝光,后置6400万高清四摄;4.倪飞透露,努比亚Play采用金属中框+双曲康宁玻璃;5.高盛分析师:苹果iPhone 12可能推迟到

  Tania on the (free) Rowan tee:
"Like all Misusu patterns, this is beautifully drafted. It knocks out a perfect fit that can grow with a child due to the dolman sleeves. Beginner friendly and easy to "hack" for personalization."

Dagbjørt on the Piper tank top:
"I love a pattern that I can use both for my boy and my girl! So far I have made them both a racerback Piper with a lined yoke, my sons in the regular style but my daughters in the crossover petal back. Such a fun and fast sew."



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